Friday, October 30, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
yeah! got 宥嘉's album!
[感官/世界] 终于在10月30日发行了!
I must really thank my sisters for helping to me to buy the album!
I asked them to go and help me get the album and poster from yoga's 抢听会,
and they really did! The event is like during O levels, so I can't go!
They went to help me queue up like around 10am when the event starts at 12pm,
but in the end had to give some transportation fee to them lol!
Really love them loads! <3
Now I can't stop but to sing his new songs!
越看他越喜欢他! 他的歌越来越好听!
林宥嘉要继续加油哦! :D